Friday, December 14, 2012

Braised Lamb Shanks

A few weeks back my husband got a hair and decided that he wanted to make lamb
sausage. He was so excited about it that I forget he really didn't like lamb.
As part of the sausage he wanted to use barley because lamb is UNGODLY
expensive!!!!! We wanted to cook the barley in lamb stock, but alas no lamb
bones were to be found. But what I was able to find were a couple of
B-E-A-U-T-ful lamb shanks. Now that you have read my ramblings you will be
rewarded with lamb that my husband thoroughly enjoyed.

Recipe Name:

Braised Lamb Shanks

2 lamb shanks
2 carrots
2 stalk celery
1 red onion
1 T rosemary
1 t salt
1 t pepper
1 t thyme
1/2 c red wine
2 t garlic

* put all ingredients except for shanks into pan and bring to boil
* lower to simmer
* add shanks
* cook for 1 hour


If you desire making this a one pot wonder add 2 c water, 1 c barley, 1 t salt,
1 t pepper & 3/4 t mint before bringing to boil and cut the lamb off the bones,
leaving the bones in the pot for all of their bony goodness.

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Anthoinette Genheimer

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