Monday, June 3, 2013

Caesar Dressing

I recently tried my hand at making Caesar Dressing.  Like most other salad dressings the original recipe is lost and trying to come up with one that makes me happy took a few tries.  Last night I served a Caesar for some friends and was told that I needed to share it with the world.  So, here is my Caesar recipe world.

Caesar Dressing

1 egg yolk
1 T capers
1 T garlic powder
1 T mustard powder
1 T pepper
1 can anchovies ( 2 oz preferably in olive oil)
1 c oil, preferably grapeseed, canola or light olive oil NOT Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 lemons, juice of
2 c parmesean

1)  Put egg yolk, mustard powder, garlic powder, pepper, and capers in a mixer on high speed until capers start getting mashed.

2)  Keep mixer on high and start adding oil in a slow stream.  An emulsion will form and as you add the oil it will thicken into a mayonnaise.  When you have added half the oil cut up the anchovies and add them in while continuing to add the remaining oil in a slow continuous stream.

3)   Once all of the anchovies are mashed mix in the juice of 2 lemons and 2 c grated parmesan.

4)  Let blend in refrigerator for 24 hours before serving.

Depending on how much dressing you use this will make enough dressing for 6-8 romaine hearts and will keep in the refrigerator for quite some time.

If you want to serve this immediately use fresh garlic and dijon or stone ground mustard instead of the  garlic and mustard powder.

If you do not want to use anchovies replace with 1 1/2 t salt.

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Anthoinette Genheimer

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