Friday, May 3, 2013

garlic smoked pork...Charming approved "the Feast Hall" Spice Rub

I have heard different ideas of things to insert into your meat, including lardons (matchsticks of bacon) and garlic.  The other night I decided to put it into practice.  It turned out quite well.  As the title of this post says, it is "Charming approved".

Garlic Smoked Pork


 2 lb pork loin or other pork roast
1/4 c Spice Rub
6 clove garlic


1)  peel garlic and cut cloves in halt to make splinters

2)  pierce the roast 12 times a little more than halfway through, with a paring knife and insert half a clove of garlic into each, pushing it in as far as you can

3)  coat roast in as much Spice Rub as you can get to cling to it

4)  Smoke it at about 200-250 for 2-3 hours
     ***If you can not smoke it I would recommend using a small amount of liquid smoke or a smoked seasoning like smoked paprika to help make the flavor richer***

4) ALTERNATIVE  If you do not have the capability of grilling the roast I would cook it at 225 for 2-3 hours, until it is done to your liking.

It will be worth the wait.

I hope this inspires you to try stuffing your meats.


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