Friday, December 14, 2012

Stuffed Hubbard Squash

This is a beautifully simple dish that requires no seasoning except for the

Recipe Name:

Stuffed Hubbard Squash

1 Blue Hubbard Squash or Pumpkin
1 Acorn Squash
1 Butternut Squash
4 Granny Smith Apples
1 c Butter
1 c Crasins

* Cut off top of Hubbard Squash and remove seeds

* Cut off skin and seed Acorn and Butternut Squashes

* Cut Butternut and Acorn Squashes into bite size pieces

* Core Apples and cut into bite size pieces

* Cut Butter into small pieces

* Mix together Butternut Squash, Acorn Squash, Apples, Craisins and Butter and
put into Hubbard Squash, putting top back on

* Bake at 350 for 3-4 hours until all squash is tender when pierced with fork

* If you want to bake this quicker you can bake the filling on a sheet pan and
the Hubbard by itself.

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Anthoinette Genheimer

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