Friday, December 14, 2012

Mead, no longer a vial liquid sitting in my basement that I detest

Here is the update.

Thanks to a few of my members Bardic Forest and James de Hagethorn for giving me
some well needed advise on mead.

Today I racked it for the first time and got a lot of bubbles, which I take as a
good sign. I also used the Hydrometer and got readings from 28 to 31 and 65 on
the Melomel with Pomegranate. I think that is good. I will keep track of the
readings every time I rack the mead. I also added the nutrient and energizer
that we previously bought, can't hurt, right?

Yes I know I should have gotten the hydrometer reading before any fermentation.

The flavors: the melomel has a soft fuzzy sweet and rich flavor, where as the
meads vary between a definite mead, to apply and then a fuzzy mead flavor.

I am feeling a lot better about this project and am looking forward to racking
it again next month.

Thank you for your support and patience.


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Anthoinette Genheimer

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