Last night it became evident, to me at least, that when I work with chocolate I am incapable of making it anything other than decadent. I'm fairly certain that after reading this, those of you who know me are rolling on the floor laughing saying "DUH!". A friend of mine had a birthday. She requested a chocolate cake it was not rich or overly sweet. So, I tried to oblige. I started by making three small chocolate pound cakes. Then I brushed triple-sec on both sides of each of the cakes followed by putting strawberry jam between the layers and deciding to top it with strawberries. But I still have to figure out the frosting. Normally I would use cream cheese frosting, but this friend has dairy issues. Ultimately I decided to mix powdered sugar, cocoa powder and triple-sec to make the frosting. This unfortunately was too sweet, as is the risk with a plain powdered sugar frosting. So I decided to add a tart marmalade to the mix. Which took the sweetness down to an except able level. When my friend taste the cake she said that "it was not overly sweet but it was still very rich". I thought she was delusional, until I took my last bit of cake, when it hit me just how rich this cake really is.

INGREDIENTS for each layer
1 stick butter (1/2 c)
2/3 c sugar
1 3/4 c cake flour
3/4 c dark cocoa powder
2 large eggs
1) Preheat oven to 450
2) Grease pan and coat with cocoa powder
4) Bake for 10 minutes or until inserted toothpick comes out clean
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Anthoinette Genheimer