Thursday, December 13, 2012


I don't think I can properly express my frustration in that soybean oil is in
EVERYTHING!!!!! I have not been able to find a single salad dressing or
mayonnaise without it. So, I had to go back to my school books, and found this
recipe that I promised you.

No, mayonnaise does not need to be a part of your life. But, there are some fun
things like deviled eggs that you just can't make without it. I personally
don't make it that often. I keep it in 1 c canning jars in the fridge. I
normally make a half batch, which makes 2 cups, which lasts me a while.

Oils- My preference is grape seed oil. It has all the benefits of olive oil, a
higher smoke point and, at least here, is less expensive than olive oil. You
can use most oils for this except extra virgin olive oil which will not

I have only made this a few times, and each time it gives me a little heart
attack because I put in almost half of the oil before it starts to emulsify. I
feel certain that I added the oil too fast. Once I make it a few more times I
will be more comfortable with the recipe. You will need to use a whisk
attachment for your mixer.

Even though I only use mayonnaise once every month or so, it is nice to have it
in the house.

Recipe Name:


4 egg yolks
1 t salt
1 t white pepper
1 t dry mustard
3 T vinegar
28 oz oil, I prefer grape seed
lemon juice

Place egg yolks in mixer and whip on high speed until frothy

add the dry ingredients and half the vinegar to the yolks, whisk to combine

begin to add the oil a drop at a time until the mixture begins to thicken and an
emulsion begins to form.
I begin to notice this when about half of the oil has been put in

add the remaining oil in a slow, steady stream, thinning the mayonnaise
occasionally by adding a little vinegar. Continue until all oil and vinegar have
been incorporated

Adjust the seasonings and add lemon juice to taste

refrigerate until needed

This recipe comes from "On Cooking, techniques from expert chefs" by Sarah R.
Labensky & Alan M. Hause

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Anthoinette Genheimer

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