Thursday, December 13, 2012


I when I think of frosting purchased in a store or made by someone else,
including most bakeries I think of icky shortening, powdered sugar and food
coloring yick, that is sick sweet with that horrid aftertaste. Frosting should
not be a negative memory. You don't need a PHD to make good frosting, nor do
you need to make a complex buttercream. Heck, you don't even truly need a
recipe. The frosting that I make always starts out the same, with a brick of
neufchantel ( low-fat cream cheese). It is really simple: you start with a
stand mixer, put in the neufchantel and start slowly adding powder sugar, until
you get the desired consistency. This gives you a basic frosting. If you add 1
t-1 T of extract, juice or what ever flavoring you want, possibly lemon or
orange zest, add a little more powdered sugar to bring it to consistency and you
have a custom flavored frosting. Try using a 1 T coffee and 1 T cocoa powder
and you have a mocha frosting.

My father always lives by K.I.S.S.(keep it simple stupid) and with frosting that
is what I do.

I hope this helps you throughout the year.

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Anthoinette Genheimer

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