Thursday, December 13, 2012

a few products worth note

I have eluded to what some of my allergies might be. Well, I'll just spell out
the hard to avoid ones: white onions, MSG, Nitrates, Nitrites, Sulfates,
Sulfites and Soy

So at this point that rules out most processed foods, all cured meats, most
dried fruits, most savory foods and most Chinese,not to mention vegetable oil,
shortening, mayonaise and all store bought salad dressings. This is part of why
we make so much of our own. I am not willing do without and I would not ask
that of my husband.

I have been able to find ways to overcome a lot of this. For salsa, if I am too
lazy to fix some, or out of my own Rotel is a amazing. It does contain calcium
chloride, but it it next to impossible to find descent preserved tomato products
that don't.

Bush products contain no soy. This is amazing and I could kiss them for it.

Hormel Natural Choice products do not contain Nitrates or Nitrites, artificial
ingredients or MSG! I couldn't ask for more because they also make Bacon that
is uncured, but oh so yummy, honey glazed ham, turkey, and uncured pepperoni and
hard salami.

Quite honestly the reason I share these foods with you isn't for me, it's for
you. Other than the white onions, which are just a pain, I firmly believe the
rest of the foods I am allergic to, that are hard to avoid, are not good for us.
Other than MSG also being used for flavor in many Asian foods, I look at why
they are used. They are used to suck out moisture, retain color and kill
bacteria. Yes you can say that salt also sucks out moisture and kills bacteria,
and you would be correct, but when is the last time you heard of a salt allergy?
A lot of people are allergic to these items. After talking with way too many
allergists, allergy sufferers and doing research I am firmly of the mind that
allergies are just about a toxic level of a substance built up in your body to
the point where it causes an inflammatory response.

I have already encouraged you to read labels. Now I encourage you to eat

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Anthoinette Genheimer

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