Monday, July 22, 2013

The Confessional-not just for breakfast anymore... also known as bacon, donut french toast and eggs with blueberry maple syrup

Deep within my guilty Catholic roots lives a love for decadence and gluttony.  Not that you would notice if you have been reading my blog.

This breakfast was started with leftover donuts from our after church reception.  As if making donuts into french toast was not enough (I blame my husband and father-in-law for the next part)  on vacation with my in-laws we were eating a plethora of bacon and (due to certain peoples weakness for donuts) we had extra donuts.  At this time I thought i had perfected the  donut french toast, made with bacon drippings and served with bacon and eggs.  With my husband about to travel I always spoil him.  You must remind them why they want to come home and make them look forward returning.  I can now say I have perfected the confessional with the addition of blueberry maple syrup.  Your cardiologist will thank me when you get their bill.  To the Raging Mother-in-law I apologize.

This serves 4

1 rasher (3/4 lb)  bacon
6 donuts
1 dz eggs
1 c milk
1 c blueberries
1 c maple syrup

1)  Beat 6 eggs and 1 c milk together 

2)  Put blueberries and maple syrup in a small saucepan and bring to a rolling boil then remove from heat

3)  Cut donuts in half as you would bagels and place, crust side down, in a 13x9 and pour egg & milk mixture over them, making certain to wet the sliced sides, flip after about 10 minutes

4)  Cook bacon to desired doneness, remove from pan, drain and reserve most of the grease, leaving 
     1-2T in pan

5)  Keeping the bacon pan on medium to medium hi put as many donut halves, cut side down, as will
     comfortably fit

6)  After cooking for about 2-3 minutes, when a good brown crust has formed flip the donuts, repeating
     with the second side, removing them from the pan when the appropriate crust has formed

7)  After removing donut french toast from pan pour in about 1 T bacon drippings and prepare remaining eggs as desired.

8)  Serve this (bacon, eggs, and donut french toast topped with blueberry maple syrup) with a song in your heart and joy for sinful indulgence

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Anthoinette Genheimer

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