Monday, March 11, 2013

Miso Mahi Mahi

Continuing on with the Friday fish tradition this week I was inspired by a beautiful Mahi Mahi a wonderful Miso soup mix I found.  Thank you Trader Joes.  This is a well balanced meal in itself and does not require more courses or accompaniments.

Miso Mahi Mahi


1 lb Mahi Mahi
1 lb parsnips
1 small red onion
1 lb asparagus
1 T sesame oil
6 c Miso soup (enough mix to make)
2 T sriracha or other pepper/garlic sauce
1 T hoisan
1 t grated fresh ginger
1 t garlic
100 g rice noodles


1) julianne onions, peel and cut parsnips into coins, cut asparagus into 1 1/2" lengths after snapping the ends

2) Saute onions and parsnips in Sesame oil until onions become partially transparent

3)  Bring Miso soup to a boil, turn off heat, put fish in and cover

4)  Mix sriacha, hoisin, ginger and garlic into parsnips and onions

5)  Evenly spread asparagus on top of parsnips and onions and cook for 3 minutes more then stir to combine

6)  Evenly divide parsnip mix into 4-5 bowls, topped by equal amounts of uncooked noodles then fish then miso and serve


I realize that some of these items may be seasonal in your area or just hard to get so here is a substitutions list:

Miso soup-fish or vegetable stock


Mahi Mahi- just about any fish, rock fish, salmon, cod, halibut

Rice noodles-speghetini

I hope you enjoy this detour into fusion cuisine as much as my friends and family did.


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Anthoinette Genheimer

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