Monday, January 28, 2013


I was recently reminded that I did not do an update on my cheese adventures.

The next day I had to find out what I did wrong with my first batch of mozzerella.  I searched the web and found another recipe that was similar to the one I had used.  Unfortunately it called for 2 gallons of milk, where as I only had 1 gallon of raw milk left.  I ended up using half raw and half low temperature pasteurized milk.

The first difference I saw in the recipe were the directions on how to use the Mesophillic direct set.  The first recipe assumed I knew what I was doing.  Which I clearly did not.  The new recipe advised to gently sprinkle the Mesophillic on top of the milk and let sit for 2 minutes until you stir it in.  Following this new set of instructions I got the firm, solid block of curd I was looking for.  Everything else was the same.  This time I made it much further in the process.  I did not get the pulling quite right, in that I used too much water.  Next time I will know better.

I noticed a few major differences in the batches.  The raw milk batch was very sweet and produced a large amount of ricotta from the whey.  Whereas the batch with the pasteurized milk had an almost sour flavor to it and produced only half as much ricotta as the raw milk.

I have recently found what I believe to be cream-line milk at Trader Joe's and will try that for my next batch.  The reality is that were I live I can only get raw milk at a farmers market on Sunday and at $15 a  gallon it is cheaper to buy the cheese.  I can get cream-line milk at Trader Joe's any day of the week for half the cost.  If it makes a good cheese I will be a happy cheese making girl.

I will try to keep you better posted on the "cheese files".


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Anthoinette Genheimer

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